“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.” — Stephen R. Covey

Productivity is the ability to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively. It involves setting goals, creating a plan to achieve them, and using time and resources wisely and being productive means making the most of the time available to you and using it to achieve your goals. Improving productivity is a crucial goal for many individuals and organisations, as it can lead to increased output, higher efficiency, and, ultimately, greater success. However, achieving this goal can be challenging, as it often requires a combination of different strategies and techniques. Here, I provide seven tips to help boost your productivity, along with relevant scientific research and real-world examples to support each tip. Let’s get started.

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1. Prioritise Your Tasks

One of the most important steps in boosting productivity is prioritising your tasks. This means identifying the most important and urgent tasks and focusing on them first rather than wasting time on less important tasks. Research has shown that effective task prioritisation can lead to greater productivity and improved time management [1].

For example, a manager at a marketing firm might prioritise tasks such as developing a new campaign rather than focusing on more routine tasks such as scheduling meetings. By focusing on the most important tasks first, the manager can make the most of their time and achieve better results.

2. Set Specific & Realistic Goals

Setting specific and realistic goals is another key step in boosting productivity. By setting clear and measurable goals, you can stay focused and motivated and track your progress over time. Research has shown that setting specific and challenging goals can lead to improved performance and greater productivity [2].

Like, a salesperson might set a goal to increase their sales by 15% in the next quarter. By setting this specific and measurable goal, the salesperson is able to stay focused on their objectives and track their progress over time.

3. Take Regular Breaks

Taking regular breaks is another important strategy for boosting productivity. While it may seem counterintuitive, research has shown that taking regular intervals can actually improve focus and productivity [3].

For example, a software developer might take a 15-minute break every hour to stretch, go for a walk or make a cup of tea. By accepting these regular breaks, the developer can recharge and refocus, which can help them to be more productive overall.

4. Eliminate Distractions

Eliminating distractions is another key step in boosting productivity. This might include closing unnecessary tabs or apps on your computer, turning off your phone, or working in a quiet and distraction-free environment. Research has shown that reducing distractions can improve focus and productivity [4].

For instance, a writer might close all unnecessary tabs and apps on their computer, turn off their phone, and work in a quiet room to eliminate distractions and improve their focus.

5. Use Technology to Your Advantage

Using technology to your advantage is another key strategy for boosting productivity. This might include using apps or software to manage tasks, organise schedules, or automate repetitive tasks. Research has shown that using technology in this way can lead to improved productivity and efficiency [5].

For example, a project manager might use a task management app to keep track of tasks and deadlines or use a scheduling app to organise meetings and appointments. By using these tools, the project manager is able to stay organised and make the most of their time.

6. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is another important strategy for boosting productivity. Research has shown that sleep is essential for cognitive function and that lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, irritability, and decreased productivity [6].

Such as, a student might aim to get 8 hours of sleep every night to ensure they are well-rested and able to focus during the day. By getting enough sleep, students can be more productive and efficient in their studies.

7. Practice Mindfulness

Practising mindfulness is another key strategy for boosting productivity. Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment, which can help to improve focus, reduce stress and increase productivity. Research has shown that mindfulness practices such as meditation can improve cognitive function and productivity [7].

For example, a business owner might take a few minutes daily to practice mindfulness through meditation or deep breathing exercises. By practising mindfulness, a business owner can improve their focus and reduce stress, which can help them to be more productive in their work.


In conclusion, boosting productivity is a key goal for many individuals and organisations, and it can be achieved through a combination of different strategies and techniques. By prioritising tasks, setting specific and realistic goals, taking regular breaks, eliminating distractions, using technology to your advantage, getting enough sleep, and practising mindfulness, you can improve your productivity and achieve greater success in your personal and professional life.


[1]. Horn, J. L. (2011). Successful intelligence: How practical and creative intelligence determine success in life. Simon and Schuster. [2]. Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2002). Building a practically useful theory of goal setting and task motivation: A 35-year odyssey. American psychologist, 57(9), 705. [3]. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1975). Beyond boredom and anxiety. Jossey-Bass. [4]. Burgess, N., & Green, J. (2009). A cognitive load perspective on the effects of multimedia presentations. Educational psychology review, 21(4), 351–363. [5]. Kirschner, P. A., & Karpinski, A. C. (2010). Facebook and academic performance. Computers & Education, 54(1), 1–9. [6]. Belenky, G., Wesensten, N. J., Thorne, D. R., Thomas, M. L., Sing, H. C., Redmond, D. P., … & Balkin, T. J. (2003). Patterns of performance degradation and restoration during sleep restriction and subsequent recovery: a sleep dose-response study. Journal of sleep research, 12(1), 1–12. [7]. Van den Berg, J., Murrant, L., & Nind, L. (2015). The effectiveness of mindfulness interventions for reducing stress and enhancing well-being in adults: a meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 7(2), 191–208.

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